Upper School: 11-12

The Curriculum at Zlatarski School: 11 and 12 grade

11 and 12 grade The curriculum in grades 11 and 12 aims to prepare students for university education. The successful completion of Zlatarski School is prerequisite of high academic achievements and motivation, developed study skills and personal qualities. Our students in grades 11 and 12 can choose three academic pathways – depending on their university plans. Students can choose their subjects.
11 and 12 grade: Options
Option I Option II Option III
Bulgarian programme International Baccalaureate Diploma Pogramme A Levels Programme
leads to: leads to: leads to:
• Bulgarian Diploma • international IB diploma

• Bulgarian diploma

• British Diploma• Bulgarian Diploma
IB Diploma candidates study one subject from the 6 subject groups – 2 languages, Mathematics, Humanities, Sciences, and a second foreign language. Three of the subjects are studyied at High Level, and the other three at Standard Level. The academic programme is complemented by an Extended Essay, the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Creativity, Action, Service (CAS).

Group 1: Language A1 – Bulgarian, English
Group 2: Language A2, B – English; Language ab initio – German, French, Spanish
Group 3: Individuals and Societies – History, Economics
Group 4: Experimental Sciences – Biology, Physics, Chemistry
Group 5: Mathematics – Mathematics Higher and Mathematics Standard
Group 6: Electives – A second subject from any of the other groups

The curriculum is designed by the IBO and the programme is completed with sitting exams in the chosen subjects. The assessment of the IBO exam materials is performed by international committees. Obtaining the IB Diploma requires a minimum of 24 points out of 45.


– A focused preparation for university education in the IB Diploma Programme and/or the Bulgarian programme.
– An Extended Essay and IB Diploma Programme Examinations
– A thorough preparation for Bulgarian Matura exams
– University visits at the School
– University Counselling Office at the School