AcademicNewsNews 2013/2014

Laptops in every classroom at Zlatarski School

laptop_c03845870Thank you: We would like to thank the parents, who supported us in the aim to modernise education at Zlatarski School by donating to the fund for purchasing laptops, which are compatible with the new electronic white boards and the newly introduced educational software.

Laptops in every classroom: From September 2013 all classrooms at Zlatarski School are equipped with interactive whiteboards StarBoard and multimedia projectors. Our aim is to ensure the provision of identical laptops for every classroom, which will be connected to the interactive whiteboards.We believe that the introduction of new technologies in our educational system will broaden the horizons for learning and the access to electronic resources, libraries, educational tools, which will be used by teachers and students in the process of learning and education.



Our parents: The campaign ‘Laptops for every classroom’ is part of the bigger project of Zlatarski School Interactive technologies in every classroom. It would not have been successful without the support of our parents. We are grateful for the support in our aim to develop academically rigorous education in Bulgaria. For more information: or tel. 02 974 3666

More on the topic:
Graphic calculators in the Mathematics education at Zlatarski School
Interactive technologies in every classroom
Cell division in Biology class at Zlatarski School