AcademicNewsNews 2013/2014

New electronic information system for Zlatarski International School

Electronic Information System at Zlatarski School
The electronic information system at Zlatarski International School is designed to help parents stay informed about the calendar of activities and upcoming events and to receive organisational information related to the education of their children. The platform is located at:

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The electronic system records the marks, absences and discipline of students. Through the system parents receive Progress Checks – information about the current development of students. Registration number for the SIS is given out to parents during the first parents meeting and/or by email.

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Screen shot 2013-10-01 at 16.05.15The system does not allow external guests to enter (non-registered users). Zlatarski School retains the right to make changes to the platform at any time without prior notice.

The information system of Zlatarski School is designed to help parents and students. Nothing published in it should serve as an official document.